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Scholarship Search
Use the options below to determine your search criteria. Please note that you can search three different ways.
- Category Search - Scholarships are assigned categories by your schools. This option allows you to identify and search the categories that you feel are most relevant to you.
- Keyword(s) Search - Your school may assign a keyword to a scholarship. This option allows you to search that keyword field.
- Description and Name Search - You can simply search the description or name of scholarships to see if they contain words that you might deem suitable (e.g. Biology).
Scholarships (141)
Anne Farley
Carry at least 8 credit hours per semester; Maintain 2.5 GPA per semester; Occupational Therapy Assistant program. Pays for tuition, books and fees.
Anonymous Raff Endowment
Must be enrolled in a minimum of 10 credit hours; Possess and maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA; Enrolled in any primary program seeking vocational skills, boat building, construction skills, Auto CAD or other drafting tools, automotive, heavy equipment operating, computer skills, or nursing skills; Attend any campus with preference given to Southwest Campus
Anschutz Scholars Program
Supports motivated students; Carry 12 credit hours or full time; Demonstrate Financial Need; Pursue Associate Degree or Technical Degree or Transfer Degree. Covers tuition, books, fees; Students in good standing eligible for renewal of support, however new scholarship application must be completed each year
Art Gonzales Industrials Arts Scholarship
Have and maintain 3.0 GPA; Full- or Part-time student; Attend the PCC Pueblo Campus; Must be pursuing Industrial Tech or Welding degrees/certificates; Have graduated from Pueblo Central High School; Recipients must exhibit community leadership skills; No financial need necessary. Scholarship pays for tuition, books, and fees.
Aspen Wealth Management Scholarship
Carry at least 12 credit hours; Initially possess and maintain 3.0 GPA; Attend Pueblo campus; Be earning an Associate's Degree in any program
Assistance League of Pueblo
Possess and maintain 3.5 GPA; Completed 24-40 hours college classes at PCC; Pueblo County Resident; Carry 12 credit hours per semester. Scholarship pays for tuition and fees. Interview Required.
Ayala-Mata Memorial
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 2.5 GPA per semester; Graduate of Florence or Canon City high school; Attend Pueblo or Fremont campus. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
B.J. McNamara Endowed Scholarship
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Colorado resident; Maintain 2.5 GPA per semester; Pursue a degree in allied health field; Any PCC Campus. Pays for tuition, books, fees. A first-year student, but accepted into respective program
Barbara S. Lynch Endowment Opportunity
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain a 3.0 GPA per semester; Must not have earned an Associates or Bachelor’s degree for eligibility; Must attend Southwest Campus; Full-ride scholarship covers Tuition, Fees, Books/Course material; Willingness to become future donor.
Beatrice and Burton Hennum
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.0 GPA per semester; Second Year Student; Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Bechtel Pueblo Team
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 2.5 GPA per semester; Math, Science, Technology Related Program Enrollment. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Bell Family
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 2.8 GPA per semester; Fremont County resident. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Bell Family Scholarship Endowment
Fremont county resident attending college on any one of the PCC campuses; Enrolled Full-time, 12 credit hours; Initially possess and maintain a minimum 2.8 GPA; Pursuing an Associate's degree; May be awarded to a student who already has an Associate's or Bachelor's Degree; Award may be used for tuition, books, and fees only.
Belmont Optimist Club of Pueblo
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 2.5 GPA per semester; Second-year student; Pueblo Campus only; Pueblo County resident; Received high school or general education diploma; No prior degrees obtained. Pays for tuition, books, and fees.
Bill and Joanne Caldwell Automotive Scholarship
Have and maintain at least a 2.0 GPA; Attend the PCC Pueblo campus; Pursue the General Automotive Technology, AAS program; Demonstrate financial need; No previous degree
Black Hills
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.0 GPA per semester; Pueblo or Fremont Campus; Student or parent must be a customer of Black Hills and submit proof; Completed 12 credit hours; Business, marketing, economic, or science programs. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Awardee must submit a photograph suitable for publication and agree to have their name released to the news media.
Awardee must submit a photograph suitable for publication and agree to have their name released to the news media.
Black Hills EV (Grant)
Money awarded via Black Hills Energy for the Electronic Vehicle Program. Varies every year and it not guaranteed.
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.0 GPA per semester; Seeking an Associate's degree with an emphasis in English; Have completed ENG121 and two literature courses (or one literature and one creative writing course) with a grade of 2.0 or better. Have not previously obtained an Associate's or Bachelor's degree. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Bryan & Dianne Springfield - John & Inge Oechsle Scholarship
Must be enrolled Full-Time, 12 credit hours per semester; Pursuing Bachelor, Associate, or Associate's Degree with Transfer; Primary Program Healthcare; Possess and maintain a 3.0 GPA; be a single parent; May not be awarded to a student who already has an Associate or Bachelor's Degree, Funds may be used for tuition, books, fees, and required certifications only.
Business Women's & Men's Network (BWMN)
Carry at least 6 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.0 GPA per semester; Pueblo Campus only; Business Management or Accounting programs; Willing to participate in 15 hours of Service Learning Activities per semester and attend one Business Women's and Men's Network Membership Luncheon. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Buzz Elias Memorial Scholarship
Carry at least 6 credit hours per semester; Have and maintain 2.5 GPA; Attend any Pueblo Community College Campus; Pursue Certificate Program; No previous degree. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Canter & Associates Scholarship
Initially possess and maintain a 2.5 GPA; Attend any PCC Campus; Part-Time or Full-Time student; Primary Program any nursing program; Pursuing Certificate, Bachelor's, or Associate's Degree; Scholarships may be used for tuition, books and fees and other expenses related to program or degree.
Cardinal Family
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Possess and Maintain 3.0 GPA per semester; Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Carl & Goldie Wood Memorial
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 2.5 GPA per semester; Must be enrolled in a recognized major. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Carlos & Olive Baca Criminal Justice Scholarship
Minimum 3.0 GPA; Attend Pueblo Campus; Enrolled with at least 9 credit hours per semester; Pursuing Criminal Justice or Sociology courses. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Cecil H. & Esther T. Anderson Scholarship
Welding Student; Financial Need; Fall semester only. Scholarship pays for tuition, books, fees, and program expenses.
Central High "Class of 1957"
Must be a Pueblo Central High graduate; Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.0 GPA per semester; Completed 12 college credit hours. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Champlin Family
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Currently have a 3.0 GPA; Maintain 2.5 cumulative GPA; Resident of following counties: Alamosa, Baca, Bent, Chaffee, Conejos, Costilla, Crowley, Custer, Fremont, Huerfano, Kiowa, Las Animas, Mineral, Otero, Prowers, Pueblo, Rio Grande, or Saguache. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Christine and Joseph Povlock Scholarship
To provide academic scholarships to physically and mentally challenged persons attending Pueblo Community College.
Clear the Air Foundation
2.5 GPA; 12 credit hours per semester; Uphold 80 percent attendance in classes; Automotive degree or certificates; Work in independent repair shops, parts sales, with preference to students working in car dealerships; Attend Pueblo or Fremont Campus. Scholarship must be used for tuition/fees OR tools
Clem & Marge Hausman
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.5 GPA per semester; Priority given to graduates of Centennial High School or South High School with a 3.2 HS GPA. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Colonel Daniel & Margaret Gale Memorial
Carry 6 credit hours per semester (clinicals to be considered when determining credit hours) Maintain a min. 2.0 GPA per semester; Pueblo Campus. Preference given to Military or Veteran; Pays for tuition, books, fees and expenses.
Credit Union of Colorado Foundation
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.0 GPA per semester; Financial need; Non traditional, first time, first generation; Pursuing college certificate or degree. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Cynthia Becker Scholarship
Carry at least 6 credit hours; Initially possess and maintain 3.0 GPA; Attend any campus
Dammann Family
Maintain 2.5 GPA per semester; Pueblo or Fremont campus; Enrolled in Applied Science degree or certificate program; Community involvement and/or volunteer work. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Dave & Joyce Socier
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 2.5 GPA per semester; Enrolled in Mass Communication Program. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Dave Edwards Art Scholarship
Attend the Pueblo PCC Campus; Pursue a degree in Studio Art; Enrolled in at least 6 credit hours, Preference to full-time student. Scholarship may be used for tuition, fees, books, and supplies needed for classes.
Deborah B. McCall Memorial
Carry at least 9 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.0 GPA per semester; PCC Cosmetology program enrollment. Student must be accepted into the Cosmetology Program in order to accept and receive a scholarship. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Dee Rogers Brown Scholarship
Initially possess and maintain a min. 3.5 GPA; Attend any PCC Campus; Enrolled Full-time, min. 12 credit hours per semester; Pursuing Bachelor, Associate, or Associate's Degree with Transfer in any primary program; May be awarded to a student who already has an Associate or Bachelor's Degree; Pays for tuition, books, fees, and other expenses.
Dinah & Delbert Owens
Carry at least 6 credit hours per semester; Maintain a 3.0 GPA; Have Completed 12 hours at PCC; Fremont or Custer County resident; Attend the Fremont Campus. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Donald Wayne Frantz Memorial
Attend PCC Pueblo Campus; Possess and maintain 3.0 GPA; Be enrolled in 12 or more credit hours; Pursue Associate's Degree or Associate's Degree with Transfer. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Donna & Donald Perko Family Scholarship
Attend the PCC Pueblo or Fremont campus; Possess and maintain a 3.0 GPA; Enrolled in at least 6 credit hours, with preference to full-time students (12 credit hours); Seek a degree in Respiratory Therapy (AAS or BAS). Pays for tuition, books, and fees.
Doris and Gene Black Memorial Scholarship
Possess and maintain a 2.0 GPA; Attend the PCC Fremont Campus. Pays for tuition, books, and fees.
Dorothy "Tiny" Striegel
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.0 GPA per semester; Fremont campus, health programs. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
E.M. Christmas
Carry 6 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.0 GPA per semester; Completed 12 college credit hours; Demonstrate financial need. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Have a and maintain a 3.0 GPA; Have completed a minimum of 24 credit hours; Enrolled in at least 12 credit hours; Veteran; Pursing Associate Degree or Associate Degree with Transfer. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Express Employment Professionals
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.0 GPA; Pueblo County resident; Pueblo or Fremont Campus; Primary Program Business Management; Associates degrees only. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Figueroa Family - Nursing
Carry 6 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.0 GPA per semester; Completed 30 credit hours; Enrolled and accepted in the Nursing Program; Demonstrate financial need. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Frank and Hazel Petrocco
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 2.5 GPA per semester; Education program; Demonstrate financial need. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Freda T. Roof Memorial and Yngve Hanson Fund
Carry 6 credit hours per semester; Maintain 2.5 GPA per semester; Based on academic standing and financial need; Individuals selected as recipients of assistance will be of such character that they will feel a strong moral obligation to repay the amount received in order that the benefits may be continued over a substantial period of time. Pays for tuition, books, fees and other expenses associated with obtaining an education.
Fremont Advisory Council
Carry 9 credit hours per semester; Maintain 2.5 GPA per semester; ; Completed 9 credit hours; Fremont campus; Fremont, Custer, or Saguache County resident. Pays for tuition, books, fees. Scholarship recipients must attend the annual Fremont Hall of Fame Event.
Gail Stout Tapia Memorial Scholarship
Carry 6 credit hours per semester; Maintain 2.0 GPA per semester; Attend Pueblo Campus; Pell Eligible; Must be enrolled in Nursing Program; Pursuing LPN to Associate Degree of Nursing (ADN) (AAS); Pays for tuition, books, fees.
GCC Building Together Scholarship
Possess and maintain 3.5 GPA; Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Attend Pueblo Campus; Primary Program is Electromechanical Technology AAS or Industrial Technology Maintenance AAS or Welding AAS or Chemistry AS; Pursuing Associate Degree; No previous degree. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Candidates will be interviewed before final selection.
Candidates will be interviewed before final selection.
GPCOC Chile Fest
Student must attend Pueblo or Fremont Campus; Must be a second-year student with a minimum of 30 credits completed; Primary program Business or Agriculture; Demonstrates financial need; Can be awarded to a student who already has an associate or bachelor’s degree
Harry H. Simmons
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 2.5 GPA per semester; Preference given to spouses and children of honorably discharged US Military Veterans; pays for tuition, books, fees.
*Must Submit Copy of Honorably Discharged Veteran's DD214 required before scholarship funds can be released.
*Must Submit Copy of Honorably Discharged Veteran's DD214 required before scholarship funds can be released.
Hasan Family
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.0 GPA per semester; Enrolled in music, health, or teaching program. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Hazel Felton Petrocco
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 2.5 GPA per semester; Working toward education degree. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
I Know I Can
Carry 12 credit hours fall semester; Maintain 2.3 GPA per semester; Graduate of PCC's Alternative High School Diploma Program; Completed 12 credit hours at Pueblo Community College; Pueblo or Fremont Campus. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Jacqueline Hirsch Scholarship
Have and maintain 3.0 GPA; Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Attend PCC Pueblo Campus; Pursue Associates Degree in any Allied Health Discipline, Engineering, Business Management, Accounting, Electromechanical Technology, IT Systems, Health Information Technology; Must have attended a Pueblo City/County High School. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Jan & Ralph Williams
Carry minimum 6 credit hours per semester; Maintain 2.5 GPA per semester. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Janice Bradish Munoz Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Have and maintain 3.0 GPA; Carry at 8 least credit hours per semester; Attend Pueblo Campus; Enrolled in Nursing Program; Primary Program Nursing; Associate's Degree or Associate's Degree with transfer. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Janice K. Gould
Carry minimum of 9 credit hours per semester; Maintain 2.5 GPA per semester. Pays for tuition, books, fees. Female applicants in transition programs with area women's centers are encouraged to apply; however, applicant's gender will not be considered a factor in the selection process.
Jeff Armstrong Endowed Scholarship
Possess and maintain a 3.0 GPA; Maintain at least 9 credit hours per semester; Attend the PCC Pueblo Campus; Pursue a bachelor’s degree program
Jeff Pearson Memorial
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 2.75 GPA per semester; Primary program Studio Art (AA degree or transfer degree) with emphasis in photography. Pays for tuition, books, fees and supplies.
Jennie & Albert Gersick Foundation Scholarship - Nursing
Carry at least 8 credit hours per semester; Possess and maintain 3.5 GPA per semester; attend Pueblo Campus; Primary Program Nursing AAS; Can be awarded to a student who already has a degree. Must be enrolled into the nursing program. Pays for tuition, books, fees. Award amounts are estimated, Actual awards will be modified once known.
Jennie & Albert Gersick Foundation Scholarship - Welding
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Possess and maintain 3.5 GPA per semester; attend Pueblo Campus; Primary Program Welding AAS; Can be awarded to a student who already has a degree. Pays for tuition, books, fees. Award amount is estimated, actual award will be modified once known.
Jess & Lucy Garcia
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.0 GPA per semester; Second-year student; Completed at least 24 credit hours; Preference given to single parent. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Jim Jatras
Carry minimum 9 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.0 GPA per semester; Second-year student; Health program acceptance; Occupational Therapy Assistant preferred; Prior work experience or community service is expected; Evidence of healthy lifestyle; One of two reference letters preferred to be from health professions department. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
John & Inge Oechsle
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.0 GPA per semester; Degree-seeking in health care field; Preference to single parent. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
John and Agnes Miazga
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.0 GPA per semester; Pueblo Campus only; Second-year student (30+ credit hours). Pays for tuition, books, fees.
John D. Mozer Engineering Scholarship
Possess and maintain a 3.5 GPA; Carry at least 12 credit hours per semester; Attend the PCC Pueblo Campus; Pursue Associate’s Degree or Associate’s Degree to transfer; Enrolled in pre-engineering or STEM coursework; Complete an essay that discusses background, future plans, and interest in STEM and/or engineering field. Scholarship pays for tuition, books, and fees.
John L. & Hester E. O'Donnell Memorial
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.0 GPA per semester; Must be a graduate of a high school in Pueblo County. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Joseph & Barbara Fortino
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.0 GPA per semester. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Kane Family Scholar - PCC
High School GPA of at least 3.25; or a minimum of 12 hours of 100 level courses at PCC with at least a 3.25 GPA average prior to scholarship consideration if the candidate is a non-traditional student and most relevant measure of potential for educational success; Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.0 cumulative GPA; Must demonstrate high motivation and potential for academic success; must submit up to 2 letters of reference; participation in an interview; must obtain associates degree from PCC within a period of 2 consecutive years from beginning first semester at PCC as a Kane Family Scholar.
Pueblo or Fremont Campus - no PCC online; Pays for in state tuition, books and fees only.
Students must work with PCC Advisor and submit written Road Map of scheduled courses that meet scholarship criteria. Must attend PCC Foundation Scholar & Donor event. Award amounts are estimated, actual awards will be modified once known.
** If selected for this scholarship, the student cannot receive additional PCC Foundation scholarships. Other scholarships received from outside entities other than PCC must pay for things other than Tuition, Books and Fees.**
Pueblo or Fremont Campus - no PCC online; Pays for in state tuition, books and fees only.
Students must work with PCC Advisor and submit written Road Map of scheduled courses that meet scholarship criteria. Must attend PCC Foundation Scholar & Donor event. Award amounts are estimated, actual awards will be modified once known.
** If selected for this scholarship, the student cannot receive additional PCC Foundation scholarships. Other scholarships received from outside entities other than PCC must pay for things other than Tuition, Books and Fees.**
Kane Family Scholar - Secure Software Development BAS
At least 3.25 cumulative GPA prior to scholarship consideration; intend to graduate with bachelor's degree in Secure Software Development in spring 2025; Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.0 cumulative GPA after scholarship is awarded; Must demonstrate high motivation and potential for academic success; must submit up to 2 letters of reference; participation in an interview; must complete a bachelor's degree in Secure Software Development from PCC within a period of 2 consecutive years starting from student's fifth semester at PCC as a Kane Family Scholar. Pueblo or Fremont Campus - no PCC online; Pays for in state tuition, books and fees only. Scholarship Award Amount listed on Scholarship Agreement is estimated. Students must work with PCC Advisor and submit written road map of scheduled courses that meet scholarship criteria. Must attend PCC Foundation Scholar & Donor event. Award amounts are estimated, actual awards will be modified once known.
Kane Family Scholar-University Connection CSU-Pueblo
High school GPA of at least 3.25 or a minimum of 12 hours of 100 level courses at PCC with at least a 3.25 grade point average prior to scholarship consideration if the candidate is a non traditional student and most relevant measure of potential for educational success. Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.0 college cumulative gpa per semester; Demonstrate high motivation and potential for academic success; must submit up to 2 letters of recommendation; Must obtain an associate’s degree from PCC and a bachelor’s degree from CSU-Pueblo within a period of four (4) consecutive years from beginning your first semester at PCC as a Kane Family Scholar. Pays for in state tuition, books, fees. Scholarship Award Amount listed on Scholarship Agreement is estimated. Students must work with PCC Advisor and submit written road map of scheduled courses that meet scholarship criteria. Must attend PCC Foundation Scholar & Donor Recognition Event as well as appropriate CSU-Pueblo and Kane Family Foundation sponsored events. Award amounts are estimated, actual awards will be modified once known.
Kelly Farley
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 2.5 GPA per semester; Criminal Justice program. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
KgLRN Nursing Scholarship
Initially possess a 3.0 GPA; Maintain a 3.0 GPA; Attend the Pueblo Campus; Be a full-time nursing student enrolled in at least 9 credit hours per semester; Primary Program of study is Nursing-ADN; Be earning a bachelor’s or associates degree; Can be awarded to a student who already has a degree; Scholarship Pays for tuition, books and fees only; Recipients must be US citizens and Colorado residents; Scholarship shall be awarded to third year and above undergraduate students accepted into the "ADN" nursing program; Scholarship to be awarded on a need–based basis with the goal to award the scholarship to serious students who would otherwise have financial difficulties remaining in school without the help of the scholarships; Preference given to first-generation college students
Larry Hollstein
Resident of Dolores or Montezuma counties; SCCC-West Campus. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
LeRoy Manzanares Memorial Scholarship
Possess and maintain a 2.5 GPA; Carry at least 6 credit hours; Pursue Associate's Degree or Certificate; No previous degree; Student must be registered with the PCC Disability Services Office to ensure that scholarship helps an individual with disabilities. Scholarship pays for tuition, books, fees.
Linda Jagunich Memorial
Carry minimum 3 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.5 GPA per semester; Early Childhood Education program. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Lola Raymond Memorial
Be an incoming first year nursing student with a 3.0 GPA in high school; Maintain a 3.0 GPA; Attend any PCC campus, but with preference to students enrolled at Fremont; Enroll in at least 8 credit hours; Be seeking a two or four-year nursing degree; Primary Program is Nursing - enrolled into the nursing program. Scholarship to be used for tuition, books, and fees.
Lorilee & Jim Davis Scholarship Foundation
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Have and maintain 3.0 cumulative GPA; Attend PCC Pueblo or Fremont Campus; Be pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree, Associate’s Degree, Associate’s Degree with transfer, or a Certificate.
Louis & Rose Ursick Memorial
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.5 GPA per semester; Have graduated from a high school in Pueblo County within past 12 months; Pueblo County resident for 3 years preceding application date. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Madison & Montana Stevens Memorial Scholarship
Have and maintain 3.5 GPA; Attend PCC Pueblo Campus; Carry less than or equal to 12 credit hours; Primary Program Nursing LPN-ADN AAS or Medical Assisting AAS. Covers tuition, books, fees.
Marian Heyl Memorial
Carry minimum 9 credit hours per semester; Maintain 2.5 GPA per semester; Non-traditional / Underserved second-year student; Attend Pueblo campus; Earning first degree; May not receive concurrent scholarships. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Marilyn Joan Dennis Memorial
Maintain at least 8 credit hours per semester; Demonstrate community involvement, exemplary academic progress or success; Demonstrate moral and ethical leadership in religious/spiritual and/or community activities; Studies in OTA. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Marvin Carroll Knudson Past President
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.75 cumulative GPA; Plan to transfer to receive your BS or BAS degree; Must document community and high school volunteer activities; Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Mary Jane Voelker Endowed Health Scholarship
Be enrolled in one of PCC’s Allied Health Programs; Possess and Maintain a 2.5 GPA; Carry at least 8 credit hours per semester
Masterantonio Family Scholarship
Must possess and maintain a 2.5 GPA; enrolled a minimum of 6 credit hours per semester; attend Pueblo PCC campus; pursuing Associate's Degree with transfer; primary program Elementary Education
Max & Kathleen Watts Memorial
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.0 GPA per semester; Machining or Welding program; Does not intend to seek bachelor's degree; Demonstrates financial need. Pays tuition, books, fees.
Max & Yvonne Leek
Dental Hygiene Students
Mickey Moore Rising Star Scholarship
Awardee must initially possess a minimum 2.5 GPA, and maintain a 2.0 GPA per semester; be enrolled Full or Part time; be working towards an Associate's Degree, Associate's Degree with Transfer, or a Certificate; may be used for tuition, fees, and books only.
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.0 GPA per semester; Accepted into Physical Therapist Assistant Program. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Mike Davis Legacy
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.5 GPA per semester; High school senior or graduate within the past year. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Moore/Hurd Family Scholarship
Carry at least 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain a 3.0 minimum GPA per semester; Enrolled at Pueblo Campus; Pursuing an Associate's Degree; Primary Program of study is Law Enforcement or Business Management. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
National Board for Respiratory Care Scholarship
Initially possess and maintain a 2.0 or higher GPA; Attend the Pueblo Campus; Full-Time or Part-Time student; primary program of study is Respiratory Care/ Respiratory Therapy; seeking Bachelor's or Associates Degree; can be awarded to a student who already has a degree; pays for tuition, books and fees.
New Path
Carry minimum 6 credit hours per semester; Have and maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA per semester; History of incarceration. Pays for tuition, books, fees and other expenses. Scholarship Recipients must contact PCC Foundation to learn about scheduling mentoring visits with scholarship donor over course of academic year.
Newmont Mining
Fremont County Resident; Primary Program Welding & Production; Must possess and maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA; Pursuing an Associate's Degree or Associate's Degree with Transfer; Scholarship pays tuition, books and fees, and other expenses.
Pace Family
Carry minimum 6 credit hours per semester; Maintain a 2.0 GPA per semester. Scholarship pays for tuition, books, fees and other expenses as determined by donor.
Patrick Doyle Memorial Scholarship
This is an automotive scholarship for students attending the Mancos/Cortez Campus to assist with paying tuition for 1 academic year. The student must have a 2.0 or greater GPA, attend full or part time, pursuing an Associate Degree, Certificate, or Mini-Certificate.
Patty & Ray Erjavec Nursing Scholarship
Carry at least 8 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.0 GPA per semester; Enrolled into Nursing Program; Attend PCC Pueblo Campus; Pays for tuition, books, fees.
PCC Foundation
Carry minimum 6 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.0 GPA per semester; Completed 12 credit hours. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Pinnacol Workforce Development - Fremont
Pursuing Health Care education; maintain 2.0 GPA; Colorado Resident; Fremont Campus. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Pinnacol Workforce Development - Pueblo
Pursuing Health Care education; maintain 2.0 GPA; Colorado Resident; Pueblo Campus. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Pinnacol Workforce Development - Southwest
Pursuing Health Care education; maintain 2.0 GPA; Colorado Resident; Southwest Campus. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Posada Moving UP
3.0 GPA; Pueblo campus preferred; Minimum 12 credit hours; Degree or certificate; Have financial need; Complete Posada essay; Confirmation from local homeless education liaison, school official, outreach worker, shelter provider, religious leaders, etc., Confirming current or former homeless status; Priority given to students who are homeless or who have experienced homelessness. Scholarship pays for tuition, books, and fees.
Pueblo Association of Realtors Scholarship
Carry at least 12 credit hours per semester; Have and maintain minimum 3.0 GPA; Attend PCC Pueblo campus; Pursue Business, Law Enforcement, Manufacturing, or Automotive program degree or certificate; Can be awarded to a student who has previously earned a degree; Pays for tuition, books, and fees.
Pueblo General Contractors
Have and maintain a 2.5 GPA; Attend the PCC Campus; Be enrolled in at least 12 credit hours; Scholar agrees to attend a PGCA Regular meeting upon invitation this is in addition to mandatory scholarship luncheon where the donor will have the opportunity to meet with the scholar; Be currently employed or have been employed in the construction industry or relating to the construction industry; have career plans involving employment in the construction industry. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Pueblo Kiwanis Club - Dental Hygiene
Enroll in at least 12 credit hours per semester; Possess an initial 2.7 GPA and maintain a 3.0 GPA per semester. Attend the Pueblo PCC Campus; Attended any high school in the city/county of Pueblo; Be accepted into the dental hygiene program; No previous degree; Renewable for two years. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Pueblo Kiwanis Club - General
Enroll in 9 credit hours per semester; Maintain a 3.0 grade point average; attend the Pueblo PCC campus; pursue a two-year or four-year degree; have financial need; no previous degree; high school Key Club participation. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Pueblo Lodge No. 17 A.F. & A.M. Warren Skrifvars Scholarship Trust
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.0 GPA per semester; High school graduate; Pueblo County resident; Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Ray Kogovsek Rising Star Scholarship Endowment
This scholarship honors the late former Congressman Ray Kogovsek and targets "rising stars" - great students who have financial need but are not Pell eligible.
Maintain 3.0 or higher GPA; preferably enrolled in 12 credit hours but can make an exception if awardee is employed; Attend PCC Pueblo Campus; Resident of Pueblo County; Graduate of a Pueblo County high school; Volunteer and/or leadership experience; Pursue an Associate's or Bachelor's degree in a CTE program. Scholarship pays for tuition, books, and fees.
Maintain 3.0 or higher GPA; preferably enrolled in 12 credit hours but can make an exception if awardee is employed; Attend PCC Pueblo Campus; Resident of Pueblo County; Graduate of a Pueblo County high school; Volunteer and/or leadership experience; Pursue an Associate's or Bachelor's degree in a CTE program. Scholarship pays for tuition, books, and fees.
Rick Trujillo Memorial Scholarship
GPA 3.0; Enrolled in 12 credit hours; Pueblo Campus; Pursuing associate or transfer degree; No previous degree; Financial need; Preference to returning student; pays for tuition, books, fees, and supplies. Preference given to Return to Earn students.
15516, 300698, 15375, 300598, 300600, 300603
Possess and maintain 3.0 GPA; Pursue degree in Business, Business Management or Accounting; Be an active volunteer in the community; Attend Pueblo PCC Campus. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Robert & Bernice Carter-Trisler Memorial
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.0 GPA per semester. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Robert Hoag Rawlings Foundation Endowment Scholarship
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Have and maintain 3.5 GPA; Attend Pueblo or Fremont campus. Pays for tuition, books, fees and supplies and tools necessary for earning the degree.
Robert Hoag Rawlings Foundation Scholarship
Carry minimum 9 credit hours per semester; Maintain 2.5 GPA per semester; Pueblo campus with one of four from Fremont campus; Enrolled in media related programs or any type of workforce certification programs. Pays for tuition, books, fees and supplies and tools necessary for earning the degree.
Rogene Armstrong Memorial
Attend Pueblo Campus; Maintain 2.5 GPA; Degree Seeking; Carry minimum 6 credit hours. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Royal Gorge Chamber Alliance
Have and maintain a 3.0 GPA; Attend either the Pueblo or Fremont PCC Campuses; Scholarships may be awarded to students who have previously earned a degree; Scholarships may be used for tuition, books, and fees.
Sangre de Cristo Community Care Scholarship
Possess an initial 3.0 GPA; Maintain a 3.5 GPA per semester; Pursue a degree in nursing; Enrolled into the Nursing Program; Be enrolled in at least 8 credit hours per semester; Attend the Pueblo or Fremont PCC Campus; Have interest in or goal of providing end of life (hospice) care. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
SCEA- Southern Colorado Equity Alliance
Carry 6 credit hours per semester; Possess and Maintain 2.5 GPA per semester; Must attend Pueblo or Fremont Campus; Scholarship can be used for supplies and/or living expenses.
Schepp Family
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 2.8 GPA per semester; Fremont County resident; Preference given to single-parent households. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Scott Richards Memorial Scholarship
Must possess and maintain a 3.0 GPA; attend PCC Pueblo Campus; Must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester; Primary Program: Mass Communication; Must be pursuing an Associate's Degree; May be awarded to a student who already has an Associate's or Bachelor's Degree; Financial Need; Pays for tuition, books and fees
Southern Colorado Press Club
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 2.5 GPA per semester; Mass or Visual Communications programs. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Scholarship Recipients must attend annual Sheep Dip Event held in April.
Scholarship Recipients must attend annual Sheep Dip Event held in April.
Southwest Campus
Carry minimum 6 credit hours per semester; Maintain 2.5 GPA per semester; Preference given to first generation student; Southwest campuses (East or West); Must be employed; Evidence of community volunteer activities. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Stella Trujillo-Farley
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.0 GPA per semester; Dental Hygiene program. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Stephanie T. Eve Memorial
Carry at least 6 credit hours per semester; Attend Pueblo Campus; Pursue Associate Degree or Certificate or Mini Certificate; Preference given to PCC Facilities employees. Covers tuition, books, fees.
Sunwest Credit Union
Carry at least 12 credit hours; Possess and maintain a 3.0 GPA; Attend Pueblo or Fremont campus; Preference to students seeking business degree, early childhood education, or teaching as a career; No prior degree; Financial need considered. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Swerdfeger Family
Carry minimum 6 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.0 GPA per semester; Completed 12 college credit hours. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Tom Healy
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain 3.5 GPA per semester; Outstanding academic success; Outstanding Community Service; Prefer Business Program. Pays for tuition & fees.
Tyler Chick Memorial Scholarship
Attend Any Campus; Enrolled Full- or Part-time; Primary program Industrial Technology; Associate's Degree or Associate's Degree with Transfer; Preference given to a student over age 40; To be used for tuition, books, and fees only.
Walter & Gloria Schepp Quasi-Endowment - General
Carry and maintain 12 credit hours or more per semester; Maintain 3.0 GPA; Be a Fremont County Resident; Exhibit Financial Need; Include Essay, "The Importance of continuing education in their life." Preference: Single-parent household; Full-ride Scholarship - get exact amount from Cashier's Office for 2024-2025 for awarding.
Walter & Gloria Schepp Quasi-Endowment - Nursing
Carry and maintain 12 credit hours or more per semester; Maintain 3.0 GPA; Be a Fremont County Resident; Be a current Nursing Student; Exhibit Financial Need; Include Essay, "The Importance of continuing education in their life." Preference: Single-parent household; Full-ride Scholarship - get exact amount from Cashier's Office for 2024-2025 for awarding.
Walter & Lucille Timme Memorial
Completed 12 college credit hours; Carry minimum 6 credit hours per semester; Maintain 2.5 GPA per semester; Automotive Technology program. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Walter & Martha Tooke Memorial
Carry minimum 9 credit hours per semester; Maintain 2.5 GPA per semester; Second-year student; Preference given to Arts & Sciences or Health & Public Safety; Pueblo campus only. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
West Pueblo Saddle Club
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain a 2.0 GPA per semester; Any high school in the County of Pueblo; FFA or 4-H Member, min. 3 years; Preference given to 2nd year student. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
William & Grace Mathews Foundation Scholarship
Carry 12 credit hours per semester; Maintain a 3.0 GPA per semester; Any campus; Includes Certificates. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Wolfers Family
Carry 6 credit hours per semester; Possess and maintain 2.5 GPA per semester; Fremont Campus. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Yvette Elgart
Carry at least 6 credit hours per semester; Possess and Maintain 2.0 GPA; Attend Pueblo Campus; Pursue an Associate Degree or Certificate in Early Childhood Education. Pays for tuition, books, fees.
Zaragoza In Memory of Pablo and Ruth Rodriguez
Carry 6 credit hours per semester; Completed 12 credit hours; Maintain 2.5 GPA per semester; Pueblo County resident; attend Pueblo Campus; Mexican Heritage; two letters of recommendation from PCC faculty. Pays for tuition, books, fees.